Thursday, 15 December 2011

Why should Bahujanas fight the battle of Kashmiri Brahmins?

Today I am presenting a classic example of false propaganda of brahminists. One Mandar Ranade, a brahmnist has sent me a privet MSG asking, why u r not talking about Kashmiri Pandits. His contention was, Pandits were thrown out of Kashmir and nobody is fighting for them. Shivaji Maharaj and Sambhaji Raje fought against Muslims for all there life. Now all hindus should fight for Kasmiri Pandits.

Look how cunning the Brahminists are! When there is need of fight they call Bahujans Hindu. when time of fighting is over Bahujans became lower cast people for. them. My question is, why Bahujanas should fight the battle of Brahmins? I have given stern answer to Mandar Ranade. 

Bellow answer of mine :

1. Brahmins should fight for pandits

Dear Mandar Ranade,
You are talking about Kashmiri Pandits. So i am writing this. My question is that, why didn't u go kashmir to save pandits? 
pls don't thrust kashmiri pandit's battle on Bahujan people. This is battle of Kashmiri Brahmins. let them fight it. why should other cast fight this battle? when u have to fight with some one u ask help of lower cast people. latter, when fight overs, u treat them as ur slaves, attacks on there Icons like shivaji maharaj and dr. Ambedkar. Brahmins  of pune commit the sin of denigrating Masaheb Jijaju and Shavaji Maharaj through James Lain. Arun Shouri the leader of BJP defamed Dr. Ambedkar in his book "Worshiping the False God". 
fight ur battle on ur own power. don't expect help from bahujans. nowadays we don't consider us hindu. Nowadays Kashmiri pandits are thrown away from there homeland. This is happened only b,coz they deserve for it. Tomorow there will be ur turn.

2. Shivaji Maharaj's fight was Political....

Shivaji maharaj did not fight against muslims or Islam. He fought against Rulers of his time. Fight was must be,coz he want to create his own Empire. His fight was political and not religious. Most of the Rulers were muslims, so he had to fight with them. shivaji maharaj also fought against Brahmins at the time of his coronation. Maharaj had more than 40 muslim sardars like Madari mehetar. u need to get acquainted with History. don't fool the people with half truth.

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