Monday, 28 April 2014

Exodus of Kashmiri pandits was under BJP's man

J&K chief minister Omar Abdullah hit back at Narendra Modi

“exodus of pandits from Kashmir took place under Jagmohan, who was appointed governor by the central government which was supported by BJP”, J&K chief minister Omar Abdullah said on Monday. As per  The Times Of India’s Shrinagar datelined report, Omar Abdulla attacked Narendra Modi's statement. 

"When Kashmiri pandits left the Valley, Jagmohan, who has not parted ways with BJP yet, as far as I know, was ruling the state (as governor). Farooq Sahib was not in power. Jagmohan was appointed by Mufti Mohammad Sayeed (now PDP patron), who was the home minister in the VP Singh cabinet. VP Singh was heading the government with BJP support ... I hope they (BJP leaders) remember this," he told reporters.

Hitting back at Farooq Abdullah for his remarks that those who vote for Modi should drown in sea, Modi on Monday said the policies of Sheikh Abdullah, Farooq and his son Omar were responsible for communalizing the state politics and for Kashmiri pandits being driven out on the basis of religion.

"Majority of Kashmiri Muslims are pained at the exodus of Kashmiri pandits and want them to come back. Modi has insulted the people of Kashmir by his statement," Omar said.

He said people of Kashmir do not need a lesson on secularism from BJP or Modi. "People of Kashmir gave a living example of secularism in 1947 when Muslims and Hindus were killing each other. I feel it is weird that Modi is giving a lecture on secularism to people of Kashmir," he added.

He said Amarnath Yatra, about which the BJP leaders often make noises, is facilitated by Kashmiri Muslims. Omar said Modi had a problem of "distorting history to suit his own ends".

In response to another question, the chief minister said there was nothing wrong in his father saying that Kashmir will not be part of a communal India. "He (Farooq) is not stupid. He did not say Kashmir will not be part of India if Modi becomes the Prime Minister. He said Kashmir will not be part of a communal India and I don't see anything wrong in that," he added.

The chief minister targeted Modi with some sarcasm, saying he and his father Farooq Abdullah were "thankful" to the BJP leader. "So far, whenever Modi had to target someone, barring one or two (people), he has used other leaders for this purpose. However, this time he chose to issue a statement himself. We, especially Farooq Sahib, are thankful to him," he said. Omar said Abdullah after hearing Modi's statement even remarked in jest: "See I am once again a national leader".

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